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How Renovating Your Office Space Will Impact Your Business

renovating your office space in orlando flWhen you think about it, employees today are spending most of their waking hours at the office. And if your office space is not well maintained, is cramped or is otherwise not working at its best, it may be time for a renovation. A well-constructed office renovation can have a positive impact on the bottom-line of your business when you consider your employees and the way they work.  With that in mind, here are four ways renovating your office space will impact your business.

Boost employee morale and productivity.

Renovating your office space can give morale and productivity a boost. Employee morale and productivity go together like a ball and glove. Studies show that when morale improves so does productivity. A study of 700-participants in 2015 conducted by the Social Market Foundation and the University of Warwick’s Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy in the United Kingdom found that productivity increased an average of 12% when employees were happy. Also, companies with a higher morale have lower employee turnover rates.

Think open floorplans.

When renovating your office space, it should be configured in a way that will have a positive impact on your business. For many companies its an open floorplan that works best. An open floorplan without walls or partitions fosters an inclusive working environment that invites all employees to participate in the free exchange of ideas. According to career development firm Monster Worldwide, nearly 70 percent of employees work in an open office space. An open floorplan also enables companies to group employees in a way that allows a more natural flow of information through the company. This can reduce wasted time from employees going back and forth between different departments on opposite sides of the building or on different floors when questions arise, or approvals are needed. Social media giant Facebook is a big fan of the open office concept.  Its new headquarters that opened in 2015 is the world’s largest open office housing 2,800 employees in a single workspace.

Install ergonomic friendly furniture.

Many companies are tossing out their old outdated furniture in favor of modern ergonomic friendly furniture. An ergonomic friendly workplace that is clean and organized can have a positive impact on employee health that contributes favorably to the bottom-line. Poorly designed desks and chairs can be strenuous leading to on the job injuries and lost sick time. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), carpal tunnel syndrome alone can cost a company’s worker compensation insurance more than $30,000. To help alleviate musculoskeletal disorders many companies are providing employees with standing desks and computer stands when creating a more ergonomic friendly workspace.

lighting fixture renovation in tampa flDial-in office lighting at the optimum temperature.

Don’t forget about the office lighting when renovating your office. Lighting plays a pivotal role on employee job performance and can affect everything from mood to overall health. If the lighting is too bright or too dim it can lead to eye strain and frequent headaches.  Naturally, natural lighting is the best source of office lighting. Some employees who don’t receive enough natural lighting are more prone to depression, according to the Mayo Clinic. But depending on the location of your office space, natural lighting may not be available to everyone. However, you can mimic the effects of natural lighting by switching from fluorescent to LED lights and finding the optimum temperature (blue light) balance for your working environment.

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